Maree Toombs Australian Epidemiology Association ASM 2018

Maree Toombs

Associate Professor Toombs is a proud a Kamilaroi/Kooma woman from north-western New South Wales is the Associate Dean Indigenous Engagement at the Faculty of Medicine, UQ. Associate Professor Toombs is recognised nationally and internationally for her work in Indigenous health perspectives in medicine and her research efforts devoted to improving mental health and wellbeing for Indigenous Australians, in particular managing chronic physical illness and mental health including suicide intervention. Associate Professor leads a number of NHMRC grants collectively equating to over $15m. Associate Professor Tombs’ has received a number of prestigious awards in recognition of her research excellence, including an NHMRC Early Career Fellowship, a Children’s Hospital Foundation Scholarship (current), Outstanding Alumni of the year and Outstanding Indigenous engagement Alumni of the year (2015 University of Southern Queensland) and a Churchill Fellowship (2014). Associate Professor Toombs is the co-author of ‘Indigenous Australians and Health’ published by Oxford Press.

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